Andy and Matt ... which do you think is taller in real life?
The one on the left is David. Can you tell?! ;-)
Dad in Law and Aunt Brooks working their magic.
Sarah again - Here are the boys in all their cardboard glory. We have two brothers on missions and David's cousin, and pal, is reporting to the MTC TWO DAYS before we get married! Man. I have not seen Jesse's cardboard cutout yet, as it had some technical problems in original production ...
Jesse’s (David's cousin's) cutout got a little funny because the head of his cardboard “George W. Bush” body was turned one way and his photo we pasted onto the body was turned the other way. So we ended up doing a neck-ectomy on him. It failed and aunt Brooks chopped his head off.
We are still waiting to see that cardboard cutout in all its glory. Just one way we all feel closer to our wonderful missionary brothers ... and cousin.